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News & Events

*Vince’s Pizza Fundraiser: Every first Friday of the month, Vince’s Pizza on Avenue L
donates a portion of their receipts from St. Paul’s parishioners who purchase take-out or eat-in dining.

*Recycling: Bring in your recyclable cans and bottles with eligible CRV designation to the
Parish Hall. Your contributions will bring in money to St. Paul’s to help pay expenses and toserve members of our community.

*Coffee Hour: Every Sunday after worship services, the congregation is invited to meet in the Parish Hall for socialization, coffee and light snacks.


Edwards AFB In-gathering - November 17

Here's a look at what we gathered for the children on Edwards Air Force Base.






              Room full of toys!









             The elves that set up the room.​​

ingathering photo.jpg
ingathering elves.jpg
Altar Guild Getting Ready for Easter
Getting the church ready for Easter.JPG
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St. Paul's Episcopal Church

Office Hours Tuesday-Wednesday 10 am-2 pm   Phone Number 661-945-6704

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